Your key to successful investing

The difference between failure and success on the stock market depends primarily on the quality of the companies you invest in.

DividendStocks.Cash makes it possible to visualize the quality of companies. Selecting the best stocks for your portfolio has never been easier.

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How to find undervalued stocks

Find high quality stocks with ease

Stock Screener

Our screener presents all selected stocks in a nicely formatted, interactive table. Reorder, sort, hide and show columns at your will according to your investment strategy. Create and apply as many filters and watchlists as you want.


You can create one or more rankings. The criteria of the selected ranking are applied to each individual stock and a score is calculated. The score reflects the extent to which the stock complies with your investment strategy.

Fair Values

Although long-term profit growth is of utmost importance, the valuation of the stock is important, too. Finally, buying stocks cheaper means getting more dividend for your buck. That’s why we calculate multiple fair values for each stock.

Screener of Choice

Boost your dividend income

Dividend Turbo

Dividend history for higher dividend income

Boost your dividends

The Dividend Alarm creates buy and sell signals based on the dividend yield. If you buy your dividend stocks at a lower price, you will start with a higher dividend as well as experience the highest potential for capital gains.

Dividend Alarm Email

The Dividend Alarm notifies you by email as soon as one of your preferred dividend stocks generates a buy or sell signal based on the dividend yield. The Dividend Alarm ensures that you never miss an opportunity.

Profit growth in sight

Fundamental analysis of earnings, cash-flows and more is just a single mouse click away. Within seconds you have a solid idea of whether the dividend stock is an opportunity or more of a value trap.

High quality stocks for a small price

Fair Value Calculation

Fair value calculation of the best quality stocks of the world

Calculate Fair Value

Realistic valuation of quality stocks

The fair value calculation is based on the historic market valuation of quality stocks and is carried out in parallel for earnings, cash flows and the stock's dividend yield.

The expected return of your stock purchase

Simulate a stock purchase and calculate your expected return including dividends and capital gains.

Always up to date thanks to email alert

The Action Report notifies you by email as soon as one of your desired stocks generates a buy or sell signal based on your limit.

Free membership to discover more

The Stock Universe

You probably won't find the next Amazon still located in a garage here. But you'll find stocks of several hundred companies that have been exhibiting growing profits and dividends for decades. These highly successful companies are from the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Asia and Australia.

A Growing Community

Today, 135,000+ members find their dividend stocks here. The basic membership is completely free. The premium membership grants you access to all stocks and functionalities in the screener.